Missouri DWI/DUI - Auto Safety

I have represented many clients who were injured as a result of drunk driving. I have also represented quite a few drunk drivers in criminal cases and, as a prosecutor for Jackson County and the City of Columbia, I have prosecuted a couple hundred DWI cases. Consequently, I stay updated and informed regarding Missouri's DWI laws.

Missouri's Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) laws have changed again. Currently, the presumed intoxication limit is .o8% or more by weight of alcohol in a driver's blood. That means if your blood alcohol content is .o8% or more, you are legally intoxicated under Missouri law.

Governor Nixon signed a new law on Wednesday that will make some significant changes to the way DWI's are handled in Municipal and State court. One of the most significant changes is a provision in the new law that allows for the creation of special DWI courts that will function in a manner similar to Missouri's Drug Courts. I presume the focus will be on treatment but it sounds like the DWI Court will also serve as a monitoring system for repeat offenders.

Also, in those courts that have a DWI court program or other court ordered treatment program, drivers who had a blood alcohol content of .15 or more will have to serve 48 hours in jail should they fail to complete the DWI court program or court ordered treatment program.

Read about other provisions of the new law here. If you have questions about this new law or other DWI related issue, call me at 877-657-2050 or find me on the web.